Conscious Sexuality

Õpituba / Workshop   





Teacher: Ram Singh


Õpituba põhineb kundalini jooga filosoofial ja õpitoa käigus praktiseerime jooga harjutuste seeriaid ja meditatsioone.

Uurime inimpsüühikale omaseid polaarsusi, mis mängivad meiega peeneid mänge juba enne kui asume suhetesse.

Me ühendame keha ja meele hinge teekonna kontekstis. Näeme kuidas meie ootused, vajadused, suhtlusstiil ja maailmavaade mõjutavad polaarsuste sisemist dünaamikat paarisuhetes.

Vaatleme seksuaalsust kui inimeseks olemise loomulikku osa - kuidas elada panustades teadlikult õnnelikematesse paarisuhetesse.

Pakume võimaluse vabaneda seksuaalsusega seotud valearusaamadest, sõelume välja nö päritud uskumused ning räägime seksuaalsusest olemuslikul moel, tuues välja seksuaalsuse müstifitseerimata olemuse.

Me õpime kuidas liikuda instinktiivselt teadliku seksuaalsuse ja läheduse suunas.

Õpetuste panus registreerides enne 9. aprilli: 190EUR (hiljem registreerudes 210EUR)
Soodustus paaridele -10%
Soovi korral majutus 20EUR ja maitsev taimetoit kolm korda päevas kokku 40EUR

Tagastamatu registreerimistrasu on 30EUR. Arve sellest saadetakse peale registreerumist.



2-days Kundalini Yoga Course with Ram Singh

A physiological and psychological exploration of polarities, for a deeper awareness of the dynamics between the feminine and the masculine, and towards a refined communication, a blooming sexuality and a radiant relationship.

In this course, we will discover that the polarities primarily exist in our psyche, playing a subtle game within ourselves. And that inner game exists prior to our external relations.

We will explicit the relation between body (physiology) and mind (psychology), in the context of the journey of the soul (spirituality). We will see how the internal dynamics of polarities express in the couple relationship, in terms of expectations, needs, roles, behaviours, but also communication and relation to the world, and of course, sex.

We will reflect on how to apply the understanding of the dynamics of polarities in our sexuality, how to invest it for a more conscious life and happier relationships, how to enjoy sexual pleasure in the vast context of love and spiritual awareness. We will learn how to shift from an instinctive sexuality in a more conscious one. This course is also an opportunity to clear misunderstandings about sexuality, to get rid of inherited beliefs and wrong identifications, and to talk about sexuality in a way that integrates all dimensions of the self.

Your early-bird course fee if registered before 9th of April: 190EUR (late registration fee: 210EUR)
Couple discount -10%
Accommodation in the romantic attic of Hatu manor: 20EUR
Vegetarian meals 3-times a day: 40EUR

Non-refundable registration fee is 30EUR.

To register please fill out the registration form by pressing the START-button below.


Ram Singh

Ma avastasin Kundalini jooga lapsena elades Togos (Lääne-Aafrikas) ja jätkan siiani Joogi Bhajani mõõtmatult rikaste õpetuste uurimist. Mul olnud õnnistus saada oma teekonnal juhatust vaimselt õpetajalt Shiv Charan Singh'ilt.

Kundalini jooga ja Karam Kriya (püha teadus numbritest) õpetajana ma uurin ja jagan õpetusi Humanoloogiast, mis on täiuslik teadus inimpsüühikast, joogalikust terviklikust ja vaimsest psühholoogiast. Humanoloogia hõlmab endas inimeseks olemise erinevaid tahke, sealhulgas meeste ja naiste suhteid ning seksuaalsust. Olles seda rikkalikku valdkonda aastaid uurinud, tunnen kui elumuutev saab olla polaarsuste dünaamika mõistmine ning selle aarusaama rakendamine oma lähisuhetes (ja ka kõigis muudes suhetes tegelikult). See on kriya, teekond iseeneses, mille siht pole midagi muud kui meie tõeline olemus.
Võit ja igavene õndsus kuuluvad neile, kes teavad kuidas tõeliselt armastada.

"I discovered Kundalini Yoga as a child in Togo (West Africa), and since then I never stopped exploring the unfathomable richness of the teaching of Yogi Bhajan. Since many years I've been blessed to be guided by my spiritual teacher, Shiv Charan Singh, through that deep journey.
As a trainer in Kundalini Yoga and in Karam Kriya, the sacred science of numerology, I'm studying and sharing the teachings of Humanology, which is the complete science of the human psyche, the psychology according to the holistic and spiritual approach of Yoga. Humanology incorporates the many facets of the human experience, including Women, Men, relationships and sexuality. I've been exploring that rich and complex field for many years now, and I can feel how life-changing it can be to understand the dynamic of polarities and to apply that understanding to one's own relationship (and all other human interactions, actually). It is a kriya, a journey in itself, and its final destination is nothing but one's true Self.
Victory and eternal bliss are to the ones who truly know how to love."

Ram Singh




Koolitus toimub Valguspere kodus, kaunis Hatu mõisas,
55km kaugusel Tallinnast.


The course will be held in the home of Valguspere in Hatu Manor, Estonia.
It's about 55 kms from the International Airport of Tallinn.
For transportation from the Airport to the Venue, please contact the organiser.

Address: Hatu Manor, Hatu, 76013 Lääne-Harju vald, Estonia



Korraldaja: Valguspere.    Registreerimiseks vajuta 'START'

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