
L2 Life Cycles and Lifestyles

   Koolitus / Teacher Training   



31st of March - 2nd of April & 26th-28th of May     
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training L2 'Life Cycles and Lifestyles'

Teachers: Jivan Mukta Singh

*** In English ***


L2 'Elutsüklid ja elustiil' kursuse detailse info-paketti saamiseks klikka allolevale nupule - saadame selle Sinu e-posti.

Joogaõpetaja jätkukoolituse 'Elutsüklid ja elustiil' on kui rännak elu loomulikku voogu ja rütmidesse. 

Elutsüklite mõistmine ja nendega arvestamine aitab elada rahuldustpakkuvamat ja täisväärtuslikumat elu ning õpetab ning eelmiste tsüklite negatiivsete kogemuste mõju transformeerima.

Iga tsükkel sisaldab endas kogemusi ja võimalusi oma hingelise, vaimse,  ja füüsilise väe kasvatamiseks.

7-aastane tsükkel on meie identiteedi jaoks kõige olulisem. See määratleb viisi, kuidas me kogeme maailma, millised on meie väärtused, ning kuidas mõistame oma eesmärke. Esimene 7-aastane tsükkel on pöördelise tähtsusega, sest see paneb aluse meie identiteedile ja teadvusele. See, kuidas me sellest elutsüklist välja tuleme, mõjutab paljuski meie tulevikku. See on üks põhjus, miks teatud kriyad ja meditatsioonid võivad nii kasulikud olla - need suunavad ja aitavad vabaneda piirangutest, mis on sageli omaks võetud kõige esimese 7-aastase tsükli jooksul.

11-aastane intelligentsuse elutsükkel hõlmab võimet väljendada oma mõtteid, tegutseda vastavalt sellele, mida teame, ja võimekust oma valikute tulemusi hinnata. See on võime valida edukas strateegia keerukate konkureerivate lahendite hulgast. 11-22 eluaastasta jooksul luuakse uued strateegiaid, kuidas läheneda gruppidele ja partnerlusele. Alates 22. eluaastast muutub maailm ise väljakutseks ja minevikus toiminud strateegiad muutuvad taas. Intelligentsuse tsükkel on on teekond õppimisest, teadmiste avardamisest ja meetodite leidmisest, mis aitavad seada eesmärke ja leida parim tee nendeni jõudmiseks.

18-aastase eluenergia tsükli muutudes pöördub inimkeha järk-järgult füüsilistelt energiaallikatelt peenemate ja vaimsemate energiavarude poole, nagu praana. See nihe on loomulik. Kui me selle muutusega rütmis ei liigu, siis riskime proovida oma eluenergiat suurendada muude vahenditega, millest paljud võivad olla ebatervislikud ja kahjulikud. Kui meil on harjumus loota elujõu kunstlikuks tõstmiseks stimulantidele võime hakata tekitama soovimatuid stressi mõjusid meie tööle ja suhetele ning seda märksa varem, kui ootame. Joogaõpetaja L2 jätkukoolitusel “Elutsüklid ja elustiil” saad teada rohkem elutsüklitest ja avastad võimalused, mis aitavad eluga harmoonias ja loomulikult voolata.


Korraldaja kontakt: Prabhudeep Kaur
epost: yoga@prabhudeep.com
telefon: +372 5067599


31st of March - 2nd of April & 26th-28th of May     
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training L2 'Conscious Communication'


*** IN ENGLISH ***
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training LEVEL 2 Life Cycles and Lifestyles with Jivan Mukta Singh

Please click below for the detailed info package for L2 Life Cycles and Lifestyles - you will receive it to your e-mail.

This is a course for certified (L1) Kundalini Yoga instructors as well open to Kundalini Yoga students and practitioners. Course takes place in Hatu Manor as residential with an option to join ONLINE.

In TTL2 transformational continuing education course "Life Cycles and Lifestyle", you will discover the natural cycles of life and possibilities that help to flow in harmony and in ease with life.  

Exploring life cycles provides clarity and the power to initiate lifestyle changes that allow you to:

* grow in harmony with the natural stages and rhythms of your life;

* achieve success with a clear goal;

* achieve your goals by acting in accordance with life cycles;

* Participate consciously in the flow of life and consciously live and die.

Each cycle of life includes its own experiences and opportunities to cultivate spiritual, mental, and physical strength.

The 7-year cycle is the most important thing for our identity. It defines the ways in which we experience the world, what our values are, and how we understand our goals.

The first 7-year cycle is revolutionary because it lays the foundation for identity and consciousness. How we come out of this life cycle has a big impact on our future. This is one reason why certain kriyas and meditations can be so helpful - they guide us and help us get rid of the limitations that are often adopted during the very first 7-year cycle.

The 11-year intelligence lifecycle includes the ability to express our thoughts, act on what we know, and the ability to evaluate the outcome of one's choices. It is the ability to choose a successful strategy from among complex competing solutions. At the age of 11-22, new strategies for approaching groups and partnerships will be developed. From the age of 22, the world itself becomes a challenge and the strategies of the past are changing again. The intelligence cycle is a journey of learning, expanding knowledge and finding methods that make our goals visible and the way to achieve them.

During each turn of the 18-year life energy cycle, the human body gradually turns from physical sources of energy to finer and more spiritual resources, such as prana. This shift is natural. If we do not keep pace with this change, we risk trying to increase our life energy by other means, many of which can be unhealthy and harmful. If we have a habit of hoping to artificially increase the vitality of stimulants, we may begin to cause unwanted stress on our work and relationships, much earlier than we expect.

Alternatively, nature allows years 54 -72 for life, or the third revolution in the life energy cycle, for us to live and thrive on the vitality we have created through our discipline and our relationship with spirit and awareness. The full maturation of this cycle leads us to intuition and wisdom.


Organiser contact: Prabhudeep Kaur
mail: yoga@prabhudeep.com
phone: +372 5067599


Jivan Mukta, PhD

Jivan Mukta PhD. was born in Chile. He is a Lead Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and a traveling teacher, trainer and counselor.

In the earlier moments of his journey he spontaneously experienced transformative events that stimulated his path to provide healing. In 2005 he was inspired by Yogi Bhajan to do this type of service "out of love", a key ingredient of all healing work and spiritual guidance.

In 2012 Jivan Mukta designed and launched Meditative Healing ProgramTM that is accredited by IKYTA (the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association) as a Specialty course. This program has already served the destinies of students of healing in over five countries in Europe in the last years.

Jivan Mukta is also trained as a Political Scientist and Historian in his home country, as well as a Doctor in Study of Religions in the University of Helsinki. He has also published several articles on spirituality, yoga and healing.

He is married and a father of two children and from 2011 he has been part of several projects to teach Kundalini Yoga & spiritual living for men. In 2015 he developed the education Total Man TrainingTM also accredited by IKYTA and first launched in China and Estonia.

Jivan Mukta on sündinud Tšiilis. Ta on sertifitseeritud kundalini jooga juhtivõpetaja, pioneer õpetaja ja meditatiivne tervendaja Soomes.

Jivan Mukta on koolitanud kundalini jooga õpetajaid Soomes juba üle kümne põlvkonna. Ta on Soome Kundalini Jooga Õpetajate Ühingu kaasasutaja aastal 2006.

Ta on pühendunud tervendaja ja Meditatiivse Tervendamise Programmi looja. Selle õpetuse alusel toimuvad praegu kursused Soomes, Eestis, Hispaanias ja Norras.

Hariduselt on ta ka poliitika teadlane ja ajaloolane omades doktori kraadi võrdlevas religiooniteaduses. Ta on publitseerinud arvukalt artikleid vaimsuse, jooga ja tervendamise teemadel.

Õpetajana reisib ta maailmas teenides vaimset teadlikkust ja tervendades inimesi. Viimastel aastatel on ta osalenud ka erinevates projektides õpetades joogat ja vaimset elustiili meestele. Ta on abielus ja 2 lapse isa.
Tema õpetajaks on Yogi Bhajan.




Koolitus toimub Valguspere kodus, kaunis Hatu mõisas,
55km kaugusel Tallinnast või ONLINE osalemise võimalusega oma kodust. Loe täpsemalt infopakist.


The course will be held in the home of Valguspere in Hatu Manor, Estonia as residential with an option to join ONLINE (read more from the infopack)
It's about 55 kms from the International Airport of Tallinn.
For transportation from the Airport to the Venue, please contact the organiser.

Address: Hatu Manor, Hatu, 76013 Lääne-Harju vald, Estonia



Korraldaja: Valguspere.    

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